Monday, August 20, 2012

We got something completed!

Okay, that might not sound like much. We've been here for more than 2 months, but finally a project is complete!
This weekend we finished  building the window wells for two of the three egress windows we need in the basement.  Instead of doing two small wells, we decided to build one long well with stairs and a topper.
Yeah, before you ask, we are crazy.
We dug out the area right after we first moved in, but then have been waiting for the contractors to come and put in the windows.  When they came and put the first and biggest one in, they told us we didn't really have to wait.  So we started!

We build the wall out of cement blocks, then covered them with Quikwall,  it is a look I am sure every Arizonan is well acquainted with.

Our bedroom window, now code compliant
I think it looks pretty good, but for us it is more than that.  We have been working on each project only to a certain point and then stopping and waiting for this professional or that item to be shipped to us.  Now we feel like we really have turned a corner and are able to start completing what we start!! 
Sometimes all you need is that one thing to get motivated!  

View from inside our future bedroom


  1. It certainly does feel good to accomplish a goal and see the results of your hard work. Way to go:)

    1. Thanks! you guys have an open invitation to come see it whenever you like! hopefully soon we will have a tub:)

  2. Thanks:) We aren't in a hurry....
